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Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

The UW School of Medicine departments and institutes offer a number of summer biomedical research experiences for undergraduates (REUs).

The UW Office of Undergraduate Research also provides a comprehensive list of summer experiences within and beyond UW.

scientist working in a lab
Biomedical Summer Research for Undergraduates
Institute for Protein Design

IPD Summer Research Program

The UW Institute for Protein Design (IPD) offers a full-time paid summer research program for undergraduates.

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP)

The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center offers a full-time paid summer research program for rising undergraduate seniors.

Learn about FHCC SURP

Pathways for Undergraduate Researchers

Fred Hutch offers a full-time paid summer program for undergraduate students. 

Fred Hutch Cancer Center is an independent organization that also serves as UW Medicine’s cancer program.

ISCRM logo

UW Undergraduate Summer Fellows

The Institute for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine (ISCRM) offers a full-time paid immersive research experience for UW students through the Undergraduate Summer Fellows Program.

Research Experience for Undergraduates

The Institute for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine (ISCRM) offers a full-time paid immersive program for non-UW students through their summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program.

UW Pharmacology


The Department of Pharmacology and Department of Microbiology offer the UW Biomedical Summer Training and Engagement Program (UW-BioSTEP), a full-time paid summer research experience program.

Center for Neurotechnology

CNT Research Experience for Undergraduates

The Center for Neurotechnology (CNT) offers a full-time 10-week summer research experience for undergraduates (REU).

Big Data & Science Communications Summer Program

The Department of Genome Sciences offers a full-time paid summer research experience for undergraduates (REU) in Big Data and Science Communications.

STAR Summer Research Experience

The Stipends for Training Aspiring Researchers (STAR) is a full-time paid summer research experience for undergraduate and graduate students in the health, biomedical, and behavioral sciences

Learn about the STAR program
UW GU Summer Research Program

UW-GU Summer Research Program

As a part of the UW School of Medicine-Gonzaga University (UW-GU) Health Partnership, UW hosts GU undergraduates in Seattle, WA, for a full-time paid summer research program.

Programs for high school and college students interested in health careers

The UW Medicine Office of Healthcare Equity also offers educational and experience programs for high school and college students who are interested in health careers.

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