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For Faculty: Dept. of Microbiology presents “Beyond content: Teaching for civic participation and engagement”

Foege South Auditorium 3720 15th Ave NE, Seattle, WA, United States

The Department of Microbiology in their upcoming seminar speaker presents Dr. Bryan Dewsbury, an Associate Professor and Principal Investigator of the Science Education and Society (SEAS) reseach program at Florida International University. In this role, he oversees PhD projects that study how pedagogical practices and social contexts impact student learning from kindergarten through doctorate education. A stated goal…

Genome Sciences Symposium: AI for Genomics and Proteomics

The symposium is sponsored by UW Genome Sciences, UW Computer Science & Engineering, and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. Free admission | no registration required to attend talks. If you would like to attend the evening reception on Friday, October 18 in the Foege Building's Vista Cafe, please register here by October 1. Seminars will be held Thursday morning, October 17…

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